Friday, May 23, 2008


3 Maiden Ln (between Broadway and Liberty Pl)
Financial District

Frida Kahlo framed posters line the walls of Mardigras' pint sized establishment off Broadway in the Financial District. When I first walked in, my whole line waiting experience at their festive red and yellow countertops was spent trying to remember Kahlo's name. Once I sat down and took a bite of my normal looking plain pizza slice it came to me, and immediately I entered the world of Frida Kahlo. The unique cornmeal-specked crust and perfectly textured cheese made me truly understand Kahlo's work and remember some of her most famous words:

"I paint self-portraits because I am so often alone, because I am the person I know best."

Yes. Mmmmmm. Yes.

So I strongly recommend Mardigras for its appropriate mix of spectacular pizza and interesting conversation/thought inducing decor. You wont be disappointed.

Pizza: 9
Decor: 9
Service: 6

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