Monday, July 14, 2008

My Daddy's Pizza

This cute little pizza nookums is right near the corner of stone and pearl in the financial. Here's how it goes: I went in to survey the slicery. This chef guy got angry at me for not knowing exactly what i wanted before even getting in line to order, even though no one else was in the store except this huge hippapotomas guy. Then I noticed that the pepperoni was put on raw, AFTER the pizza was cooked (pizza sin #1) in order to make a 'pepperoni slice'. i lowered my voice and said to my compatriots "lets get out of here...i dont like the looks of that 'roni". but lo, the fat man at the counter heard me and piped up, spewing cheese and sauce from his big stupid mouth whilst he spoketh. "how do you know you don't like it! ya never tried it!" I lied and said that I had tried it and it sucked. he said "i woulda recognized you. I woulda recognized you and your fancy boots". I was wearing very unfancy black shoes. This confused me, but instead of defending my footwear I went on the offensive and attacked the pepperoni cheating strategy. He shot back "it's jucier that way" which was though-provoking, but ultimately dumb and a lie. I've had some great oven roasted pooperoni that was plenty juicy and cooked WITH the pizza, unlike the corner cuttings of these baboons. I told them basically that much, and stormed out while the fatso choked on his 500000th slice of pizza and embarrassed himself horribly in front of his beloved chefs (i hope). In any case, i tried some of my friend's slice outside, and here are my ratings:

Sauce: 2 (2 sweet! gross...and too dry)
Cheese: 8
Crust: 3
Service: 2
Toppings: don't get the pepperoni
Decor: big fat annoying man